martes, octubre 04, 2005

Juntando cartón - Gathering cardboard

...mientras juegan
...while playing

9 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I guess if you have to work at such a young age that you need to make a game of it.

Anónimo dijo...

Or - Child for sale! :-)

Adventuring through Florida's WILD life! dijo...

Their expressions are totally engaging. What young sweethearts!

Marie-Hélène dijo...

Vous savez poser un regard si juste sur votre pays, Pilgrim. C'est fantastique!

Jeruen dijo...

I love the quality of your photos. Very realistic. Even though I am from the Philippines, I somehow feel at home looking at your photos.

And one more thing. I'd like to say thank you for writing bilingually, thanks for taking into consideration English-speaking people. I appreciate it.


Anónimo dijo...

This is truly a wonderful shot, for me, because of the sweet shy smile of the young girl pushing the cart. Indeed, c'est si bon!

Sidney dijo...

Indeed it could have been a street shot from the Philippines.
Great capture !

blogworkorange dijo...

Me encanta esta foto.

Unknown dijo...

ya tenés pensado como aportar tu granito de arena para no ver más este tipo de situaciones en el futuro?
esperemos no ver más esta clase de imágenes en ninguna parte del mundo. esperemos q nuestra generación sea lo suficientemente madura y responsable.