miércoles, agosto 17, 2005

Chipera - Chipa vendor

9 comentarios:

Sidney dijo...

Look at her face. She also doesn't like you ! :-)

Great capture. I always wonder how they manage to carry those things on their heads.

Ezequiel Mesquita dijo...

How it comes that lately none of my models do like me :-( ? Maybe it's time to go to the hairdresser...or maybe I don't have your charm Sid to make all my models smile! ;-)

Anónimo dijo...

What poise and balance she has to carry the basket on her head like that. Oh, and be careful you don't get your face slapped! ;-)

Anónimo dijo...

it's always a pleasure to come here and see your beautiful photos like this one.

a kiss x u my friend..

Anónimo dijo...

she has a great balance.. she didn't smile coz maybe the thing is too heavy:-) great capture.

Anónimo dijo...

Maybe she figured that if you was going to take her picture that you should purchase something!

Cool Dad dijo...

I like that she gave you some attitude. I hope you drank some coke with that chipa. Oh, I miss it so much.

Arte y Vida dijo...

Muy buenas tus fotos! Felicitaciones

Arte y Vida dijo...

Es la Villa Permanente de Ayolas, lindos recuerdos...