Esta foto me sugiere más de lo que muestra. Lo que atrajo en principio mi atención, y es casi imperceptible al mirarla, son los dos chanchos que viajan en el carro. Pero al verla ahora noto además el bolso y el precario colchón enrollado, que sumados al diálogo que el hombre mantiene con el niño que camina a su lado, me hacen suponer que es un padre despidiéndose al inicio de un viaje para vender sus animales en alguna feria; mientras su hijo lo acompaña unas cuadras. Será solo mi imaginación febril?
This photo suggest me more than it depicts. What catch my attention in the beginning (and not very clear in the picture) were the two pigs riding behind the cart driver. But now, I notice the bag and the improvised rolled mattress, that together with the dialogue the man mantains with the kid walking along, makes me think about a father departing to sell the animals in some distant fair, and his son escorting him some distance, prolonging the farewell. Too much imagination maybe?
5 comentarios:
Is this a motorized vehicle? Doesn't look like much of a frame, and the suspension looks improvised. I'm sure it is fine for short, local journeys... but I can't imagine a long journey in this vehicle - I bet it would be a real bone cracker ;-)
The driver looks pretty happy about what he is doing!
interesting vehicle...i like the way it tilt making the nice angle.. great captured:-)
Great capture. Those are the very unusual pictures I love too look at !
I really enjoy your town photos. I like the expression that was captured on the drivers face.
I love the shots you take. These images of everyday folks are great, powerful.
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